

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Government Trip

                I thought that the trip to Pierre was a pretty great experience. I had been in the capitol building before, but never up stairs and in the committee places. I thought that the most interesting part of the trip was sitting in on the committee. It was pretty neat to get a first-hand experience of what a bill has to go through. It was also very interesting that ordinary people could go up to the stand and talk about their feelings on a particular bill. Another very cool part of the trip was sitting in on the House session. I learned a lot such as; they stand and clap for just about everything, they take roll call very, very fast, and they yell like a bunch of kids when they say yay or nay. I wish I would have been sitting in a different spot however, because I didn’t get to see every one that was talking. Another very interesting part of our trip was talking to our local representative and senators. It was really cool to see their views on bills, and what they were doing in legislature. Maybe one of the most exciting things we did was feed the geese and ducks crackers. That was really fun, and really made me wish it was fall. Overall, the trip was a success.

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