

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


                During World War Two, anything that anyone could imagine happened. This speaks true for torture methods, killing tactics, and absurd medical experiments. The vicious and ruthless acts that were played out by the Japanese and Germans were awful and inhumane. However, I think that the acts committed by the Japanese were worse than the Germans.

                Even though the Japanese didn’t kill as many people as the Germans did, they still dissected people, killing them slowly and torturing them. Germans killed mass amounts of people, but they didn’t kill all of them slowly and ruthlessly like the Japanese scientist Dr. Shiro Ishii. Dr. Ishii was the main conspirator in the dissecting of POW’s. The German scientist Dr. Josef Mengele did some horrifying acts as well, but not to the same extent that Dr. Ishii did.

                When people think of torture during World War Two, they think of the German Concentration Camps, not the Japanese and the Rape of Nanking. After reading these articles, the Rape of Nanking was a very violent event that took place. The Japanese just randomly killed people for the joy of it, they raped women and children, and made them do a lot more indecent acts before they would kill them. I believe that the Japanese were more vicious than the Germans, but the Germans were still awful.

                When looking back on what the Japanese and Germans did, it really is a dark spot on human history. The worst part about it is that the Japanese got pardoned for their malicious acts. They got pardoned so the United States could receive their medical research. I believe they should have at least had to go on trial as the Germans did. I really don’t think that they deserve to live after the amount of torture that they put people through.

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